When you hear the word cancer, what comes to mind? Andrea and Brooke were gifted with Dale De Steno’s time to discuss his experience with cancer. In this episode, you’ll get a front row ticket to Dale’s last year with a lung cancer diagnosis.
You’ll hear the struggles he’s faced, the lifestyle changes he’s made, the resources he’s found, the opportunities he’s taking, and the humor he keeps throughout it all.
So tune in to hear how Dale’s survivor mentality is helping him chase his dreams and you just may be inspired to do the same!
Behind-the-Scenes Video
3 Gold Stars
- Have fun in everything that you do.
- “The difference between a cancer patient and a non-cancer patient, no one is guaranteed tomorrow, but the cancer patient knows it.” – Anonymous
- Eat your organic blueberries, kale, and spinach.
Piece of Gold
The Secret- Rhonda Byrne
Radical Remission- Kelly A. Turner, Ph.D.
Find Dale on-
Blog: https://drdtraining.com/blog/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daledesteno/?hl=en
Dale’s Gym- https://fxbmaplegrove.com/
Show Sponsor-
THE CLEAN NEST: https://www.thecleannest.com/
Promo Code: GOLDIVY for 10% off products
Find Gold Ivy Health Co. on-
- Website- https://goldivyhealthco.com
- Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/goldivyhealthco/
MOVE with Gold Ivy– https://goldivyhealthco.com/move
Customized Running Training Plans- https://goldivyhealthco.com/shop
Gut Health Coaching– https://goldivyhealthco.com/store-2/Free-Discovery-Call-for-Gut-Health-Coaching-p275887610
Holistic Health Coaching– https://goldivyhealthco.com/coaching/
We thank you for joining us in the fearless pursuit of self-discovery and growth.
Our hope is that you transform our lessons into your gold.
– Gold Ivy Health Co.
Listen to your truth and go chase your gold.