Andrea & Brooke took time to reflect on the first season of Ivy Unleashed and will leave you with motivation and inspiration until their return in January 2022. They are taking the next two months to plan an incredible lineup, create more events, and will be dropping hints on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and YouTube in the meantime of what’s to come.
Gold Ivy reflects on lessons they’ve learned and will empower you to take control over the life you want to lead and live in this episode. Season one has been incredible. Andrea & Brooke are full of gratitude for the lessons they’ve learned, the brilliant guests they’ve interviewed, and the inspiring feedback from all of you.
Thank you for the love and support!
Behind-the-Scenes Video
3 Gold Stars
- Find at least 15 minutes a day to reflect on your emotional needs and intentions for the day.
- Pick a topic or a person you admire that you want to learn more about and read a book about it/them.
- Decide who will be your accountability for the next two months to share your latest goals with.
Ivy Reflections
What accomplishment am I most proud of this past year?
What lessons have I learned over the past year that will help me become an even better version of myself in 2022?
What goal/focus am I most excited to be more intentional with in 2022?
Piece of Gold
Everybody arrives on the planet with unique desires, gifts, and talents, and as you journey through life, your job is to discover what yours are, to nurture them and to bloom into the most authentic, gleeful, and badassiest version of yourself.
Jen Sincero
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We thank you for joining us in the fearless pursuit of self-discovery and growth.
Our hope is that you transform our lessons into your gold.

Listen to your truth and go chase your gold.
– Gold Ivy Health Co.