Honestly Addressing Anxiety- Taming Overwhelming Thoughts ft. Amber Benziger LPC

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Amber Benziger- MS, LPC, CCTP

You asked, we delivered.

The most requested topic is finally being addressed on Ivy Unleashed- ANXIETY.

As Licensed Professional Counselor Amber Benziger explains in the episode, we ALL have anxiety. Amber defines anxiety, why it’s important, how it feels in the body, the difference between excessive worry and anxiety, how it can affect sleep, and so much more. You’ll hear endless coping strategies to help when anxiety takes over and even why Amber feels even therapists need therapists.

Whether you deal with chronic anxiety, overwhelming thoughts, panic attacks, or know someone who does, this episode will leave you feeling more equipped to honestly address and help yourself and others to more effectively manage anxiety.


Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

  1. Let go of the word “should”- are you doing things because you want to or because you feel like you have to?
  2. Duality- you can be sad and grateful.
  3. Self-compassion- show up for yourself and talk to yourself the way you would talk to the people you love.

Ivy Reflections

Who can I turn to when I am struggling and needing some help?

What helps me get back in the present moment when I am having anxious thoughts?

How can I move anxiety out of me (for example- hiking, yoga, dancing, journaling)?

Piece of Gold

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.

Maya Angelou


Find Amber on-

Instagram: @amber_vs_anxiety 

Website: theanxietylab.com 

Podcast: The Managed Mind Podcast

Find Gold Ivy Health Co. on-

Website- https://goldivyhealthco.com

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/goldivyhealthco/ 

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Gold-Ivy-Health-Co-103783871542834

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YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXBMqcMHUwkToYb-kkAuD_w

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Listen to your truth and go chase your gold.

– Gold Ivy Health Co.

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