On this episode of Ivy Unleashed, we explore a completely new world- astrology- with Emma Vasseur, whose work is delivered primarily through the modalities of craniosacral, evolutionary astrology, reiki energy healing, and integrative health coaching. It was so fun to hear how astrology affects our day-to-day energy, cycles, sleep, and how to use it to better understand ourselves.
We asked Emma all of our burning questions about retrograde, horoscopes, how legitimate astrology is, and what Emma has learned about others and herself in her work. So buckle up for a deeper understanding of astrology’s impact and how truly transformational stepping outside, looking up, and understanding your universe and self can really be.

Emma Vasseur
Evolutionary astrologist, craniosacral, bodywork, Reiki practitioner
Behind-the-Scenes Video
3 Gold Stars
- Get to know your full chart (work with an astrologer, read books), not just a horoscope you can download off the internet.
- Pay attention to what energizes you and what depletes you.
- Find the beat of your own drum and dance.
Ivy Reflections
-> Who am I with and what am I doing when I feel energized and when I feel depleted?
-> What am I curious about that I have yet to explore?
-> What is one action step I could take to learn more about a curiosity I have?
Piece of Gold
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
James Baldwin
Learn more about astrology and your chart: https://www.astro.com/horoscope
Find Emma on–
Instagram- @emma._.vasseur
Website- emmavasseur.com
Find Gold Ivy Health Co. on-
Website- https://goldivyhealthco.com
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/goldivyhealthco/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Gold-Ivy-Health-Co-103783871542834
TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@goldivyhealthco?lang=en
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXBMqcMHUwkToYb-kkAuD_w

We thank you for joining us in the fearless pursuit of self-discovery and growth.
Our hope is that you transform our lessons into your gold.

– Gold Ivy Health Co.
Listen to your truth and go chase your gold.