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Believing You Are Enough & Saying Yes to Opportunity- Lessons from an American Ninja Warrior ft. Patrick Lagman

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Andrea & Brooke sat down with Patrick Lagman, a man of many interests, talents, and lessons to share.

Patrick’s recent quest to land a spot in the American Ninja Warrior competition opened up a new side of fitness for him. After getting the call that he was going to be a contestant, Patrick got to work. He walks Gold Ivy through the physical and emotional challenges while training, reflects on his past full of life lessons, and the power of owning your mistakes.

Patrick’s story is full of ups and downs that will inspire you to believe in yourself and trust yourself enough to start saying yes to the opportunities in this one, incredible life.


Patrick Lagman


3 Gold Stars

  1. Offer yourself the opportunity to have minor inconveniences throughout your daily life (this is how we get strong).
  2. If you have a goal and lay out a plan to get there, the most important days to work out are the days you don’t want to.
  3. Never stop learning. Never stop testing. Never stop questioning.

Ivy Reflections

-> What self-limiting belief is holding you back the most from chasing your dream?

-> What is one thing you could schedule in your calendar this week that would get you one step closer to a dream you have?

-> What could you improve upon in your exercise routine? Is it merely creating one and scheduling it into your calendar?

Piece of Gold

People are more than one thing.

Steve Lagman

To find purpose in life is to find comfort with death. Born with a blank map and hope to find peace in your last breath.

Patrick Lagman


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– Gold Ivy Health Co.

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