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Busting Through Ceilings & Listening to Your Calling- The Power of “What If?”

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What ceilings do you place on yourself? How often do you stretch yourself to see what you’re capable of, mentally and physically?

Understanding the beliefs that hold us back from a vibrant, full life are so important to uncover. And if we don’t quiet the outside noise to hear what is calling us, we can’t create the roadmap that helps us bust through the ceilings we’ve placed above ourselves.

So tune in if you’re ready to be inspired to tune even more into your dreams, tap into your limitless potential, and discover the power of “what it?”


Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

  1. Write down 3 dreams you have and choose one you can take action on today.
  2. Write down your biggest fear or limiting belief that holds you back from accomplishing this dream.
  3. What if we silenced that fear? How would you feel?

Piece of Gold

“Human beings have unlimited potential and most of us are just scraping the surface of our powers. We pretend we’ve done everything we can and we work harder and harder doing the same things we’ve always done, hoping for different results. Meanwhile, there is almost always a solution right in front of our faces that we’re ignoring because we’ve decided it’s out of the question.”

Jen Sincero




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