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Flipping Your Money Script- An Empowering Conversation About Money

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How many times a day do you think about money?

Should I spend money on that? How much does that cost? When am I getting paid next? Was that a responsible choice? Am I ever going to get out of debt?

Although many people are taught not to talk about money, we are today because our financial wellbeing plays a huge role in our mental health and the quality of our life. You’ll hear us talking about our own struggles with credit card and medical debt, hard conversations we’ve had with our partners regarding spending, our own beliefs about money and how they’ve changed, and so much more.

Your mindset about money impacts your health and we want to leave you feeling empowered with money so LET’S TALK ABOUT IT!


Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

  1. Dig into your money story and what money mindset was conditioned from a young age.
  2. Actively choose what you want your money story to be (i.e. “I am responsible with money.” “I am capable of making a lot of money”).
  3. Identify what the first step is to moving into a more positive relationship with money.

Piece of Gold

“Money is the blank slate that gets its value from the energy and meaning we give it.”

Jen Sincero


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We thank you for joining us in the fearless pursuit of self-discovery and growth.

Our hope is that you transform our lessons into your gold.

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– Gold Ivy Health Co.

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