Digging to the Root of Chronic Illness- Jenna Collinson’s Story of Surrender

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Jenna Collinson

Gold Ivy invited Jenna Collinson, Integrative Health Practitioner and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, to Ivy Unleashed to share her story about chronic illness. The trials Jenna has faced in the last 4 years alone show her strength and resiliency, but she also started experiencing unfortunate physical symptoms. Tune in to hear how Jenna navigated a complicated health path, the trials and lessons along the way, and how she healed her crippling anxiety and fear by fully surrendering along her healing journey.


Behind-the-Scenes Video

Episode Highlights-

Debilitating anxiety, hair thinning, constipation, fatigue… familiar symptoms for anyone struggling with chronic illness. The story is no different for Jenna Collinson. Four years ago Jenna’s body started sending her signals that something wasn’t quite right. At 27 years old, she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and prescribed medication. Jenna had experience working with a functional doctor before and knew she wanted to get to the root cause of why her thyroid was low, not just put a bandaid over it. Jenna tried supplement after supplement, protocol after protocol and year after year her symptoms kept progressing. She worked with a chiropractor, therapist, a biological dentist and more. During this time Jenna did her own research trying parasite and candida cleanses and the AIP diet. After 6 months of trying to heal naturally, Jenna’s fatigue was so bad she couldn’t get out of bed. She decided it was time to go on medication. Months later, Jenna still wasn’t feeling any better. At this time she was at an all time low. She decided to invest in her faith, knowing she needed a miracle. She started going back to church, got rebaptized and joined a small group.

On Oct. 6th 2020, Jenna hit her rock bottom. She was feeling anxious and decided to go for a walk as it was a beautiful fall day in Minnesota. As she started her walk, she became overwhelmed with emotion. She threw her hands up and surrendered to God. That next day she was on Instagram when she came across the page of what would soon become the missing piece to her health journey. Two women had started a program called Root Cause Formula and were about to start their first group. The program included a roadmap to healing, a protocol that emphasized and followed the important steps to heal, neurofeedback, energy/muscle testing, and also mindset work to aid in the physical healing.

Jenna has now been working with Root Cause Formula for a year and is grateful for her progress. She is currently working to remove deep rooted heavy metals. Her mindset shift has been one of the most profound benefits. She went from having crippling anxiety and fear, living in fight or flight to being at peace. She has her energy back, and has learned the importance of slowing down and getting back to the basics (rest, nourishing food, water). She has switched from an all or nothing perspective to finding balance and giving herself grace.

The amount of time, energy, pain, and money Jenna and so many individuals like Jenna have spent to get answers for their health is a gap in care that needs to be closed. It is our mission to help close this gap and provide resources and support to anyone struggling to find answers. Our bodies are meant to feel good. If you are experiencing something that you may think isn’t “normal”, listen to that. Symptoms are signals our bodies are giving us and are begging that we hear their message. Slow down and listen. You are worthy of feeling good.

3 Gold Stars

  1. Get back to the basics – sunshine, laughter, community, eat whole nutritious food.
  2. If you’re a coffee drinker, try King coffee. Coffee that has healing reishi mushrooms.
  3. Invest in your faith.

Ivy Reflections

What 3 things do you know make you feel better?

What does living in the present moment mean to you? What practices can you make a part of your life to support being present?

How can you best support your health in this season of life?

Piece of Gold

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

2 Corinthians 12:9,10


Find Jenna on-

Instagram- @jennamcollinson

Root Cause Formula Program – https://www.rootcauseformula.com

Find Gold Ivy Health Co. on-

Website- https://goldivyhealthco.com

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/goldivyhealthco/ 

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Gold-Ivy-Health-Co-103783871542834

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Listen to your truth and go chase your gold.

– Gold Ivy Health Co.

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