Coping with the Complexities of Traumatic Brain Injuries- Kelly’s Story

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An estimated 5.3 million Americans are living with a traumatic brain injury and it’s impossible to know how many more people suffer every day. Kelly was at a complete stop in her car when she was struck by another vehicle from behind… going 60 mph. As you can imagine, there was severe damage to both the car and Kelly.

During this episode, you’ll hear Kelly’s journey from the moment of impact, through therapies, gaslighting physician visits, mental health challenges, and what she’s learned about herself and brain health along the way.

This episode will educate you, inspire you to look at others with more compassion,  and provide tips on how to support others with traumatic brain injuries.


Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

For TBI Survivors:

  1. Take your breaks (and practice deep breathing).
  2. Mark your improvement (show yourself that you are making progress).
  3. Feel it all (be mad, be sad, be angry).

For those supporting someone with a TBI:

  1. Validate their experience and believe what they’re telling you.
  2. Attend their appointments. Show up for them and take notes to help them decipher what is happening.
  3. Be steadfast- don’t give up on them.

Ivy Reflections

-> When was the last time you slowed down and appreciated the gifts you have in life?

-> Have I checked in on my people lately and asked what kind of support they need in their life right now?

-> When was the last time you sat down and focused on just being?

Piece of Gold

Brain injuries are like snowflakes and fingerprints, everyone is different.

Kelly Sundby


Interested in working with Kelly? Kelly is a Life Coach with an expertise in working with you! She will partner with you to remove barriers and shift mindsets which frees you to achieve your personal goals. Think of her as your personal best friend. As a coach Kelly will both hold your hand and kick your a**. You can email her directly at-

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