Balancing Hormones & Improving Gut Health ft. Dr. Danielle Vogler-Bos NMD

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How often do you think about your hormones?

Our hormones are sending signals that affect our mood, sleep, metabolism, fertility and so many other important functions in our body. Andrea & Brooke sat down with naturopathic doctor, Dr. Danielle Vogler-Bos, to learn more about the key role hormones play in our lives and how our gut health directly affects them.

In this episode you’ll hear about the types and stages of hormones, hormonal acne, lifestyle behaviors that improve your gut health, how to limit imbalances, and so much more. So get ready for an informative and fun educational lesson from Dr. Danielle that will help you improve your gut health and keep those powerful hormones more balanced. 


Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

  1. Pooping is mandatory (1-3x a day to support your gut health and hormone health).
  2. Eat fiber-rich foods.
  3. Establish boundaries to prioritize your well-being.

Ivy Reflections

  1. What is one thing you can do today to support your gut health?
  2. What boundary do you need to set (and enforce) to prioritize your well-being?
  3. What is one healthy practice you would like make a part of your lifestyle? What is the first step in making that a habit?

Piece of Gold

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.

Joseph Campbell 


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