Riding the Waves of Grief- Carried by Grace ft. Allie Whitworth

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To sum up anyone’s experience with grief feels impossible. Allie Whitworth discussed the shock, heartbreak, and ongoing waves of grief she has lived through in the last 3 years after unexpectedly losing her husband Cale.

Tune in to hear how Allie is parenting three small children, as well as finding purpose and strength in the midst of her waves of grief and how grace has carried her through each moment- minute by minute.


Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

  1. You are built to withstand the things that you go through in this life.
  2. Live your life in true alignment (daily).
  3. Find purpose within your pain.

Ivy Reflections

-> What activity helps me release negative emotions (i.e. exercise, journaling, etc.)?

-> What is the hardest thing I’ve survived? What helped me get through it?

-> What does being aligned with my highest self look like? What activities or practices help me be in alignment?

Piece of Gold

Recovering is a return; healing is a rebirth.

Brianna Wiest


Find Allie on-


Personal: @alliexwhitworth // Business: @homeyxallie

Blog: https://www.carriedbygrace.com/

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Website- https://goldivyhealthco.com

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Our hope is that you transform our lessons into your gold. 

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– Gold Ivy Health Co.

Listen to your truth and go chase your gold.

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