Dropping Your Excuses – Raising the Bar ft. Ray Law

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I think certain people get sick of their own bullshit. And when they get to that point, they’re ready to hear it. It’s when you’re not ready, truth sounds like an attack.

Ray Law


Ray Law

Our guest this week is a tough-love machine. However, what we call tough-love, Ray Law just calls love. With his Masters in Exercise Physiology, Ray is a Personal Trainer and 1st Phorm sponsored trainer, who not only pushes his clients to reach new heights, but also himself. One of Ray’s favorite mantras- “Nobody cares – work harder” – Cameron Hanes

Episode Highlights

Ray is a prime example of a coach who practices what he preaches. Sick of being stuck in his own way and after a night of drinking and a stomach full of Buffalo Wild Wings, Ray decided it was time for a serious life change. He hired outside accountability and started working with a nutrition coach. After a year of cutting out junk food, alcohol and counting macros, Ray lost 75 pounds. After 4 years, Ray learned the value firsthand of self-disciple and getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

When asked what caused this flip to switch and this serious commitment to take place overnight, Ray explained that his wife was pregnant and he felt/still feels that “it’s a moral obligation to be healthy if you’re going to be a parent.” In short, his “why’ became real strong. Ray explained that one of his secrets… earning back his self love and self trust. He explained you don’t love and trust a friend that constantly lies and doesn’t follow through, so why would you love and trust yourself? It all starts with keeping the promises you make to yourself. And once you earn that back, you’ll never want to risk losing it again and will do everything in your power to keep it, Ray explained.

Ray is proof that there’s power in pushing yourself to new heights and showing yourself what you’re truly capable of. Ray does this by continuing to push himself, overcoming the mental toughness it takes to run a half marathon, a full marathon and many other challenges. Today Ray is currently training for his first ever 100 miler.

If you follow Ray on social media, you’ll see that not only is he not afraid to speak his mind, but he also loves a good before and after photo. When we asked him about it, Ray explained that he treats social media like it’s his journal. He’s raw and vulnerable, showing that how he looks on social media and in his pictures, isn’t how he always feels on the inside. Like everyone, he fights an inner battle too. When asked about his before and afters, he stated, “people are so far away from where they want to be that it’s hard to get started.” By using social media as his journal and posting before and afters, he’s providing proof that it is possible. If you’re willing to put in the work – it is possible.

A big part of coaching and the work Ray does is motivational interviewing and helping client’s uncover their ‘why’. Why are they wanting to truly make a change and not just a superficial why, like “I just don’t like how I feel, or I want to feel better.” It’s about pushing them to connect to a strong enough why that’s going to keep them disciplined and committed even when times are hard and all they want to do is give up and return back to seeking comfort.

Another key part of coaching is helping clients boost confidence in themselves and to help them stop believing that they can’t. As a coach, Ray challenges his clients mentally and physically to help them see that they are capable of things they never thought possible.

Ray’s approach when it comes to coaching is helping people get to the place of being sick of their own shit, on their own. His tough-love approach comes from his belief that he’d “rather hurt your feelings and get the point across, than worry about your feelings and you don’t see any progress.”

Favorite takeaways –

“If you’re not young and dumb, you can’t be old and wise.” Ray Law

“Your goals are your goals… not your coach’s.” Ray Law

“There’s no how if there’s no why.” Ray Law

“Work so hard, become what you want, so when you walk in a room those people (that doubted you) have to look at the floor.” – Andy Frisella

Could use some of Ray’s tough love? Find Ray’s Instagram and email linked under resources below.


Gold Ivy brought a hard-hitting, no excuses personal trainer to explain his direct and effective approach to personal training. Ray Law walks Andrea and Brooke through his experience of physically and mentally transforming his health in the last 4 years. Ray has seen the benefits of social support in his journey and talks through how it has helped him to own his fitness and balance multiple jobs, passions, and family. Ray explains challenges he’s faced during endurance events and the impressive commitment to his next fitness challenge.  Join the conversation as Ray describes how he adapted his new identity as someone who shows up, follows through, and regardless of how tough it is, drops the excuses and raises the bar.

Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

1. Write 1 change you want to make and write down 3 things that you have control over to help make that happen.

2. Write down 3 people that would support you in your fitness goals.

3. Do something that scares you this week.

Ivy Reflections

  • What excuse are you telling yourself that’s standing in the way of achieving your goal?
  • What one promise can you make this week to build self-trust? How will you keep it?
  • How can you challenge your body this week? What would that look like?

Piece of Gold

You can make an excuse or you can make things happen. You can’t do both.

JP dinnel

Healing Food of the Week-

If you are a meat eater, we have more reasons to incorporate beef into your routine.⁣

Did you know 4 ounces of lean beef provides 64% of our daily value of protein? ⁣

Beef is a good source of iron, niacin, riboflavin, and phosphorus. It is also a great source of vitamin B12 and B6 which aid in proper cellular function. ⁣

𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭: ⁣⁣Organic, grass-fed beef tend to have higher amounts of omega-3 fats and conjugated linoleic acids which are known to decrease the risk of developing cancer. ⁣

Let’s Get Cooking!

Spicy Basil Beef Salad-



  • Extreme Ownership
  • The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods by Michael Murray M.D. Joseph Pizzorno N.D. and Laura Pizzorno M.A., L.M.T.
Encyclopedia Of Healing Foods - By Michael T Murray & Joseph Pizzorno  (Paperback) : Target


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We thank you for joining us in the fearless pursuit of self-discovery and growth and hope that you transform our lessons into your gold. 

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Listen to your truth and go chase your gold.

– Gold Ivy Health Co.

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