Thriving into a New Season- An Inside Look at Our Ultimate Reset

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A new season is upon us and instead of resisting the chaos we want you to embrace it, feel good about it, and have acceptance of that season.

It is time to identify what season you are in and take inventory on how it is going. We provide you with questions and prompts to give you the tools to thrive, own your struggles, and conquer the SEASON (our powerful acronym you’ll hear more about in the episode).

Take the time to slow down and pour into you because you are worth it!


Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

  1. Identify what season you’re in and take inventory on how it’s going. What is working well and what could use some improvement?
  2. Write down 3 foundational habits that allow you to feel centered and at peace (i.e., daily movement, meditation and planning your week).
  3. Reflect on the acronym season:

S- What are typically my STRENGTHS in this season?

E- What do I want to EMBODY this season? 

A- What AFFIRMATION do I want to say to myself everyday of this season?

S- Who is my biggest SUPPORTer in this season?

O- What are my biggest OBSTACLES in this season?

N- What NEW habit do I want to have in place? 

Piece of Gold

“Change is in the air. This change reminds us that we are made and beautifully sculpted by the same power that orchestrates the change of season. Let this be the season you embrace and align yourself with this change.”

-Steve Maraboli


The Golden Secrets- Code: GOLDIVY 

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We thank you for joining us in the fearless pursuit of self-discovery and growth.

Our hope is that you transform our lessons into your gold.

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