Cultivating Radical Joy & Anchoring in Faith ft. Erica Lasan

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“If you could live life without limits, what would it look like?” If Joy Strategist Erica Lasan asked you this, what would you say?

Andrea and Brooke were full of ideas and inspiration after their chat with Erica about finding clarity, the importance of presence and gratitude, and how being still and doing less can bring the alignment that they’ve been craving. Erica explains how joy is tied to finding freedom in your purpose and debunks the idea that people or circumstances are robbing you of your joy.

So get ready for a conversation will light up your day and get you thinking about how aligned you are with your purpose and how you can cultivate even more joy.


Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

  1. Get still so you can get clear on what you actually want and where you want to be going.
  2. After you’re still and quiet, focus on what really brings you joy. Hone in on one feel good thing at a time.
  3. Share the joy and the vision that you have so you can activate accountability.

Ivy Reflections

  1. When you think of joy what comes to mind? How does it feel in your body?
  2. If you could live your life without limits, what would it look like? 
  3. What strategies do you have to integrate joy into your routine and where in your schedule is it prioritized? 

Piece of Gold

Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen.

Hebrews 11 :1


Erica’s Website: 


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