Conscious Empowerment- Choosing to Overcome Limitations ft. Josh Perry PART 2

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“Our reality is a manifestation of our choices.”

Coming from Josh Perry who has had numerous brain tumors, we were in disbelief that this could be his perspective.

As a professional BMX biker who had his life turned upside down (in multiple ways), Josh Perry will inspire you to believe you are the programmer of your life, to be aware of the dangers of comparison, and to own every aspect of your physical and mental health. He believes we have the choice to change the stories we’re telling ourselves and shape our own reality. Not that we can control everything in life but that we can choose to respond to what life throws at us and resolve stressors in a much more efficient way.

Thank you, Josh, for your empowering words. You have inspired us to never stop learning, to own the reality of our life, and not let any “limitation” get in our way.


Behind-the-Scenes Video

3 Gold Stars

  1. Be at cause rather than at effect.
  2. What we focus on expands.
  3. Our reality is a manifestation of our choices.

Piece of Gold

Become aware of who you are, what you’re thinking, what you’re doing and if it’s serving you or not. Ask yourself, “what would it take to change?”

Josh Perry


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