A Walking Miracle- Briana Dai’s Near-Death Experience & Supernatural Rescue

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Briana Dai easily could have not been alive to record this episode. April 11, 2024 was a day that changed her and her family’s perspective on life forever. After going into a medspa for a few services Briana had experienced before, she started to have seizures and went into cardiac arrest.

Tune in and you’ll hear how Briana was saved in multiple ways and be reminded how precious life is. Grab your kleenex box and hug your people!

Ivy Unleashed Podcast

Behind-The-Scenes Video


Guests: Briana Dai

Instagram: BRIANA DAI | Mompreneur Life (@iambrianadai) • Instagram photos and videos

Mentioned in the episode:

MOVE with Gold Ivy: Move – Gold Ivy (goldivyhealthco.com)

BetterHelp: BetterHelp – Get Started & Sign-Up Today

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